This summer, Chai Lifeline, the Jewish community’s leading pediatric illness and crisis support network, will provide a much-needed reprieve to more than 50 Israeli children facing not only cancer but also the harsh realities of war and displacement, at Camp Simcha.

Located in the serene Catskill Mountains, Camp Simcha is Chai Lifeline’s renowned, medically supervised summer program for children with cancer and other serious illnesses. Every summer, nearly 1,000 children with complex medical challenges take part in Camp Simcha, Camp Simcha Special, and the community-based Camp Simcha Without Borders, in cities nationwide.
Following the harrowing events of October 7, studies, including a recent one published in The Lancet show PTSD, depression, and anxiety rates among Israelis have nearly doubled. The situation is even more dire for children who are simultaneously coping with cancer.
“Imagine the profound impact on these young lives, already burdened with fighting cancer, now grappling with severe emotional distress,” said Rabbi Simcha Scholar, CEO of Chai Lifeline. “Camp Simcha offers them not just a break, but a transformative respite.”
The cost of providing these transformative experiences is substantial, especially for Israeli children whose journey to Camp Simcha requires intricate planning, including travel, comprehensive medical care, and dedicated counselors trained to address their unique needs.
“This summer the need for Camp Simcha is particularly crucial,” added Rabbi Scholar. “We are bringing children, many of whom have been uprooted from their homes amidst chaos and giving them a chance to just be kids again, away from hospitals and the ongoing war.”
Chai Lifeline urgently appeals to the generosity of its donors, as their support is more vital than ever. Contributions will help cover the significant costs of bringing these resilient young warriors to Camp Simcha. To donate, visit