In response to the devastating situation in Israel, Chai Lifeline, a leading international support network, has expanded its Crisis Services team to help those impacted by the worst civilian massacre in the country’s history. Chai Lifeline has announced the opening of a dedicated 24-hour crisis line to cater to Israel’s Anglo community, English-speaking students attending yeshivas and seminaries, as well as English-speaking parents of students in Israel.
read full storyWhat’s Happening at Chai Lifeline
Chai Lifeline Welcomes Moshe Buchman and Bari Erber to Its Board of Directors
Chai Lifeline, the leading Jewish support network for children, families, and communities impacted by medical crises and trauma, is pleased to announce the addition of Moshe Buchman and Bari Erber to its Board of Directors.
read full storyV’Samachta B’Chagecha: Chai Lifeline Spreads Joy and Hope to Communities Across The Country
Yom Tov is a time for families to come together, connect and immerse in the simcha of the new year. For families with seriously ill children or who have recently experienced trauma or loss, the holidays can often be filled with struggle or pain. Chai Lifeline has worked tirelessly to restore a sense of normalcy, deliver happiness, and provide respite and support to these families during the Yom Tov season. Staff and volunteers in the, New York, New Jersey/Pennsylvania, Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, Southeast, and West Coast regional offices of Chai Lifeline have been actively involved with a variety of projects to benefit families and communities across the U.S.
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The recently published Chai Lifeline Impact Report communicates the power of community and the presence of Chai Lifeline in every community where someone is faced with illness, crisis, and loss.
The Boro Park community turned out in full force to celebrate the grand opening of the Chai Lifeline Family Center on Sunday, September 10. Hundreds gathered to watch the beautiful kevias [affixing] mezuzah ceremony led by the Stuchiner Rebbe, Reb Lazer Yudkovsky, and enjoyed balloons, games, and an ice cream truck, as they marked the momentous occasion.
read full storySuper Bowl Champ Leonard Fournette Makes Surprise Visit to Camp Simcha
Camp Simcha, Chai Lifeline’s transformative summer haven for children with cancer, disabilities, and chronic medical conditions in Glen Spey, NY, received a special surprise visit from Super Bowl champion and star running back Leonard Fournette on Sunday, August 13.
read full storyChai Lifeline Welcomes Rav Reuven Feinstein to Camp Simcha
Chai Lifeline had the distinct privilege to welcome HaGaon HaRav Reuven Feinstein shlita to the Camp Simcha grounds in Glen Spey, NY, on Thursday, August 4. Rav Feinstein, the Rosh Yeshiva of the Yeshiva of Staten Island, received a warm and enthusiastic welcome from the campers and staff as he made his entrance into the dining hall, where he delivered words of chizuk and bracha.
read full storyRecord Number of Bike4Chai Riders Unite to Support Chai Lifeline
More than 675 cyclists with one shared goal are gearing up for the largest Bike4Chai experience to date. The renowned, premier cycling event benefitting Chai Lifeline will set out from Kalahari Resort in the Poconos to “The World’s Greatest Finish Line” at Camp Simcha in Glen Spey, NY. Riders will celebrate their 165-mile journey with campers, staff, family, and friends.
read full storyHaRav Yitzchok Lichtenstein, Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Vodaas, Visits Camp Simcha
HaRav Yitzchok Lichtenstein, Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Vodaas, paid a special visit to Camp Simcha, Chai Lifeline’s medically supervised summer program for children with cancer and other serious illnesses in Glen Spey, NY, on Thursday, June 29. The visit was a highlight for the campers and staff as they begin another summer of Simcha.
read full storyChai Lifeline’s Tour de Simcha Set for Inaugural Ride & Run Experience July 10-11
This summer, participants from across North America will click into their bikes and lace up their sneakers for an extraordinary and inspiring event: Tour de Simcha 2023, the premier women’s cycling and running event in support of Chai Lifeline.
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