Tour De Simcha Riders Go The Extra Mile for Children of Chai Lifeline

The Tour de France may be making international headlines, but another cycling event took place much closer to home on Tuesday, July 16. One hundred and sixty women decked out in sporty black and bright pink uniforms took part in the annual Tour de Simcha, an all-female cycling event that raises funds benefitting Chai Lifeline, the international health network supporting children and families living with life-threatening and lifelong illnesses.

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Dr. Peter Cole, Rutgers Chief of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Visits Camp Simcha

Visit Highlights Strong Bond Between Chai Lifeline and Rutgers Cancer Institute of NJ

Dr. Peter D. Cole, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey Chief of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, visited Camp Simcha, Chai Lifeline’s summer camp for children and teenagers battling cancer and other blood disorders, on Wednesday afternoon. The visit highlighted the close partnership between Chai Lifeline and Rutgers Cancer Institute, and their efforts to improve the lives of children facing serious illness.

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Chai Lifeline Young Leaders Gather For Fifth Annual Summer Soirée

Over 100 members of Chai Lifeline West Coast’s Young Leaders Initiative gathered at the home of Marilyn and Jaime Sohacheski on June 17 for an evening of fun and inspiration at Chai Lifeline West Coast’s Fifth Annual Summer Soiree.  The evening of appreciation recognized the commitment and support of Chai Lifeline’s Young Leaders—couples and individuals in their 20s, 30s and early 40s who champion Chai Lifeline’s mission of enhancing the lives of children and families living with serious illness or loss in their homes.

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2018: A Year of Growth

Report Looks Back at Year of Record Growth and Impact at Chai Lifeline

As Chai Lifeline’s recently-published Impact Report shows, 2018 was a year of significant achievement. From a 15% increase in the number of children supported to various new, innovative programs, Chai Lifeline had a powerful impact on families living with pediatric illness or loss.

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Renowned Photographer Davis Factor Introduces “Faces of Hope” Exhibition

Portraits Depict Power of Chai Lifeline, Celebrate Hope in The Face of Challenge

The Museum of Tolerance is proud to present Davis Factor’s Faces of Hope: Portraits Celebrating Hope in the Face of Challenge. This exhibition presents artworks comprising of over 70 stunning photographs depicting the power of Chai Lifeline, an organization that strives to transform the lives of seriously ill children by encouraging them to keep dreaming.

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Chai Lifeline Celebrates Launch of Young Builders Society

On May 29, 125 young professionals crowded Rumi Event Space in New York City for the launch of Chai Lifeline’s Young Builders Society. Designed for the next generation of lay leadership and emerging philanthropists, the program is geared towards young professionals who are committed to Chai Lifeline’s mission and eager to play a significant and active role in the growth of the organization. read full story

Chai Lifeline Takes on Measles Outbreak

As the United States battles the worst measles outbreak in 25 years, Chai Lifeline has taken several steps to protect the health and safety of its clients and their families, employees, volunteers, and greater community. In consultation with its medical staff, Chai Lifeline has instituted guidelines and policies requiring documentation of MMR vaccinations for all employees, as well as their family members, and volunteers who interact with clients in any way—be it camp staff and visitors, transportation, or respite volunteers, etc. read full story

Grandchildren in Crisis

Chai Lifeline presents “Grandchildren in Crisis,” a discussion with Rabbi Lipa Geldwerth, Rov of Khal Kol Torah in Brooklyn, and renowned psychologist Dr. David Pelcovitz. The wide-ranging talk will examine the role of grandparents with grandchildren undergoing traumatic experiences—such as addiction, serious illness, bereavement or their parents’ divorce—through a hashkafic, halachic and psychological lens. read full story

Chai Lifeline Introduces Young Builders Society

Program will offer young professionals the opportunity to get involved and play an active role in the future of Chai Lifeline

Chai Lifeline is pleased to introduce the Young Builders Society. Designed for the next generation of lay leadership and emerging philanthropists, the program is geared towards young professionals who are committed to Chai Lifeline’s mission of bringing hope and joy to seriously ill children and their families. read full story

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