Portraits Depict Power of Chai Lifeline, Celebrate Hope in The Face of Challenge
The Museum of Tolerance is proud to present Davis Factor’s Faces of Hope: Portraits Celebrating Hope in the Face of Challenge. This exhibition presents artworks comprising of over 70 stunning photographs depicting the power of Chai Lifeline, an organization that strives to transform the lives of seriously ill children by encouraging them to keep dreaming.

Factor has spent the past year capturing and documenting the brave journeys of Chai Lifeline children. He is the recipient of Chai Lifeline’s Vision of Hope Award. Factor, the great-grandson of legendary cosmetics pioneer Max Factor, is co-founder of Smashbox Cosmetics and Smashbox Studios. Factor initially became involved with Chai Lifeline through his family’s Los Angeles-based organization, The Max Factor Family Foundation.
“These children, their families are fantastic. This is probably my proudest moment as a photographer. I have never worked on something so beautiful and amazing in my life. I’m just proud to be a part of Chai Lifeline and to be able to give back to the community in this way,” said Factor.
“This exhibition reflects Chai Lifeline’s mission of providing hope to children and families living with serious illness in a beautiful and powerful way,” said Randi Grossman, Chai Lifeline West Coast Director. “We are honored to partner with Davis Factor and the Museum of Tolerance to bring this important work to the public.”
Liebe Geft, the Director of the Museum of Tolerance expresses, “The balmy days of summer evoke the excitement of summer camp, fun with friends and the joys of carefree childhood. How wonderful to see in Davis Factor’s exquisite photographs the radiance and happiness of children who, with their families, are facing life’s harshest health challenges. The uplifting images inspire us with a message of courage in the face of adversity, and undying faith and hope.”