A sea of people, festive music, bright banners, and high spirits met the eyes of motorists driving past Airport Road this week Sunday and Monday. The crowd of Chai Lifeline families, volunteers, and lay leaders enjoyed an elaborate Pre-Pesach barbecue dinner and carnival, which kept hundreds of children entertained, well-fed, and far from the Chometz-free zones in their homes.
Families battling illness were relieved to have the opportunity to feed their children a nutritious supper in the hectic pre-Pesach days, while their cars were cleaned to a shine.

“The event today… was a real vacation for us, instead of a hard day at home trying to entertain and keep the house Chometz free,” said Mrs. S., mother of a Camp Simcha camper. “It was such a treat to come back to a sparkling car all ready for Yom Tov!”
The menu included an array of mouthwatering options fresh off the grill and traditional carnival fare. Counselors helped children with exciting Pesach-themed crafts, multiple rides kept the laughter and good cheer going, and refreshments and swag added to the spirit and fun.
“Chai Lifeline’s comprehensive support for families facing illness is made possible only by the devotion of hundreds of volunteers, and the lengths they go to help out families in need,” said Rabbi Aharon Koslowitz, Chai Lifeline NJ/PA Director of Community Services. “It was an honor to host hundreds of families in our community who make a difference without fanfare day after day, providing rides to the hospital, cooking nourishing meals, supporting families through respite, and so much more.”
Chai Lifeline thanks FoodEx Supermarket, The Nexus Building, Blue Diamond Equities, CareRite Services, Madison Properties, Madison Avenue Equities, Goldcrest Properties, The Omni Agency, Rise Architecture, Moishie M. Klein, ESQ., The Alliven Group, ID-Tech Solutions, Key Health Management, and Simcha Jugglers & Balloons for making this unforgettable event happen.