In response to the tragic plane crash which claimed the lives of two beloved members of the Cleveland Jewish community, Chai Lifeline’s Crisis Team has been providing immediate and ongoing support to local organizations and schools.
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Chai Lifeline Crisis and Trauma Response Expands its Global Network
Addressing the growing need for mental health first-responders in Jewish communities around the globe, Rabbi Dr. David Fox, Director of Chai Lifeline Crisis Services, recently traveled to London to train local educators and communal leaders in trauma response. In recent years, Chai Lifeline has been instrumental in working with communities around the world in the wake of all types of disasters, attacks, tragedies, and traumatic events.
read full storyChai Lifeline December 5 National Gala Celebrates “An Evening of Heroes”
Chai Lifeline will celebrate its 2022 National Gala on Monday, December 5, at Pier Sixty in New York City. The program, titled “An Evening of Heroes,” will highlight the critical work of Chai Lifeline, the Jewish community’s leading children’s health support network, and benefit families living with serious illness, crisis, and loss.
Summer is back for kids with serious illnesses and disabilities Camp Simcha Without Borders finished the first of its summer sessions last week. The local camp is operated by Chai Lifeline Southeast, the local chapter of the children’s health organization providing social, emotional, and financial assistance to families impacted by pediatric illness, crisis, and loss.
read full storyCamp Simcha Without Borders Returns to Chicago
Summer is back for kids suffering from serious illnesses and disabilities Camp Simcha Without Borders in Chicago began the first of its summer sessions last week. The local camp is run by Chai Lifeline Midwest, a children’s health organization providing social, emotional and financial assistance to children with life-threatening and lifelong illnesses and their families.
read full storyMidwest Update: Giving gifts that will truly be appreciated
When a loved one is going through a hard time, it’s natural to want to be there for them. However, many people get stuck on what they can do. This can lead to either doing nothing or being there in a way that misses the mark. One easy way of showing support may be bringing affected families or children a gift. A thoughtful present shows that you are thinking of the family and child and can make a difficult time just a bit more bearable.
read full storyStaff Spotlight: Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox, Director of Project Chai
Close to 20 years ago, Chai Lifeline CEO Rabbi Simcha Scholar and I developed Project Chai as way to broaden the services of Chai Lifeline to the greater community by providing intervention for crisis and trauma, which went beyond medical conditions. We aimed to provide formal training in the community for committed individuals to serve as first responders in a range of emergency circumstances. Nearly eight years ago, Rabbi Scholar asked me to serve as director of Project Chai.
read full storyFrenkel Family and Toms River Community Welcome Camp Simcha Kids for Chai Lifeline Shabbaton
On January 7-8, Mr. and Mrs. Yechiel Mayer (a.k.a. Franky) Frenkel, along with the Toms River Community hosted an unforgettable Chai Lifeline Shabbaton for 70 Camp Simcha boys and staff.The boys arrived on Friday afternoon to a welcome party where they reminisced about camp, connected with old friends, and received special gift bags full of goodies and toys. The event was fully medically-supervised, with a paramedic, 4 nurses, and 3 Camp Simcha division heads led by Rabbi Duvy Feiler on hand.
read full storyChai Lifeline Kids Enjoy Inside Look at World of Fashion
On Monday, December 20, luxury fashion brand Teri Jon by Rickie Freeman welcomed a group of Chai Lifeline girls impacted by pediatric illness to visit its Manhattan showroom and get an inside look at the world of fashion. The event was coordinated and led by Teri Jon Creative Director Leora Mishan who spoke about the process of fashion design and the power of taking ideas and insight from all around. The girls then enjoyed light refreshments before leaving for the Chai Lifeline New York office for lunch.
read full storyChai Lifeline Families Set Sail into Chanukah Spirit with Simcha Cruise
Children with serious illness and their families got into the Chanukah spirit with Chai Lifeline’s first-ever Simcha Cruise on Sunday night, November 21. More than 1,200 participants from across the tri-state area enjoyed delicious food, exciting games and activities, and breathtaking Hudson River views of the New York skyline and Statue of Liberty aboard the three-story luxury yacht. The Chanukah Party was sponsored by Cross River Bank.
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