Staff Spotlight: Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox, Director of Project Chai

Close to 20 years ago, Chai Lifeline CEO Rabbi Simcha Scholar and I developed Project Chai as way to broaden the services of Chai Lifeline to the greater community by providing intervention for crisis and trauma, which went beyond medical conditions. We aimed to provide formal training in the community for committed individuals to serve as first responders in a range of emergency circumstances. Nearly eight years ago, Rabbi Scholar asked me to serve as director of Project Chai.

My day is packed. Baruch HaShem yet l’tzareinu. Teams have been trained across the globe, and I travel throughout North America, Europe, and Australia conducting a structured sequence of seminars on crisis intervention, and travel frequently to consult with schools, rabbis and educators, and others when crises occur. Between emails and calls, I am contacted about 50 times throughout a typical day. I also supervise the Project Chai team members, and team leaders, offering them focused guidelines and regulations as they plan and implement their interventions. I author articles, handouts, guidelines, protocols, and resources for Chai Lifeline to distribute to individuals, families, institutions, and communities worldwide. In my spare time, I have a private practice of forensic and clinical psychology, am Rav of a shul, a magid shiur, and serve as a Dayan.

The wonderful moment, for me, comes when a volunteer realizes that they have made a strong difference in the life of someone in pain. Getting a call from a team member or watching their face on Zoom as they share their experience—seeing and hearing the tears of relief and exultation that they made an impact on someone’s suffering—can lift me up and prompt me to feel that this work is worthwhile.

7 thoughts on “Staff Spotlight: Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox, Director of Project Chai

  1. Dear Rabbi Fox,
    I know you are a talmid muvhak of Rav Simcha Wasserman zt”l.
    Someone in an online shiur recently made a comment that Rav Simcha had some connection to Washington Heights but did not elaborate.
    Could you please tell me what he may have meant?
    Thank You,
    Judy Fulda

  2. Shalom R’ Dovid. Just heard your interview on Dovid Lichtenstein’s show and it brought back fond memories of shabbosim at your table in LA while working for Rav Chodosh and Ohr Elchonon. Best wishes from RBS gimel. Yitzchok Kohn

  3. Thu, Feb 9 at 2:57 PM

    Dear Rabbi Dovid Fox,

    I read the article in the Jewish Journal about you. I was very impressed with all the good you do.

    I would like to invite you to speak to Company A. We meet every Wednesday morning at
    Boca Delray Country Club located at
    5483 Boca Delray Blvd (off Military between Linton and Clint Moore)
    Delray Beach 33484

    Our 150 members are well-educated, retired, Jewish men. Company A is a 33-year-old organization providing camaraderie and intellectual stimulation to our members.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.

    Moshe Szabo
    Programming Director
    561 699 9149

  4. Good Moed!
    Hope all is well with you!
    I need to communicate with you privately. My cell phone # is 917 523 7637.. TEXT only,
    You might remember me from Yeshiva Staten Island that I am Hearing Impaired.
    Thanks a lot in advance for your prompt response!
    Mordechai Ebstein

  5. Good evening,
    Your words of advice were very helpful יהי משכרתך שלמה מאת השם !
    By the way, my cell phone got damaged and lost your contact number. s.
    Kindly text me your name so that we can reconnect.
    Thanks a lot, in advance!
    Mordechai Ebstein
    917 523 7637

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