Campers will be able to to specialize in their favorite activities this summer.
What’s your favorite part of Disney? Minnie Mouse or Splash Mountain? Tower of Terror of Peter Pan? This year’s Camp Simcha and Camp Simcha Special Campers won’t have to choose, since both camps will be transformed by Camp Simcha’s famous program staff.
Every year camp sessions revolve around a theme, but this year’s theme has opened up new possibilities. “The theme is so rich. It’s going to make camp even more of a place where a child can be a child and still let loose,” said Shaindy Lowenthal, the program director and a 28-year veteran of Camp Simcha.
Campers can expect to experience more than a campus filled with superheroes and Disney characters. This year’s program encourages them to follow their interests and stretch their abilities. The camp’s 20-plus workshops will be introduced to campers at a special Workshop Fair during the first days. Once campers see the possibilities, they will be able to select a workshop on which to focus. They will be able to delve into that area throughout the summer. For example, a camper interested in pottery will have the opportunity to create complex projects that require several sessions and steps.

More than twenty workshops in camp will allow campers to follow their interests.
Camp Simcha is also experimenting with a mini-camp, literally a camp within a camp where kids can explore special interests in small groups. Among the subjects under consideration is oil painting, taught by a working artist, and learning to play a musical instrument. The mini-camp also will enable interested campers to spend additional time at sports, the ropes course, theater, and even pioneering and orienteering.
All of these activities will take place within the overall camp theme, Mrs. Lowenthal stressed. “The trend among camps is to facilitate campers’ abilities to learn more about something that interests them. Our campers are no different. Now they’ll have more time to delve into an activity that really interests them.
One thing that won’t change from previous years is the close connection among campers, their peers, and counselors. “From the moment they arrive in camp, our goal is to give kids the emotional, social, and physical tools to live full lives and reach their potential,” Mrs. Lowenthal averred.