CHOP case managers, under the leadership of Mrs. Naomi Gorelick, director of hospital services, have the ability to support and advocate for families in the hospital day in and day out, thanks to Chai Lifeline’s deep and longstanding relationships with hospital administrators and doctors. Chai Lifeline’s alliances with children’s hospitals across New Jersey and Pennsylvania continue to flourish as the number of families in the hospital who rely on Chai Lifeline’s support continues to grow.
CHOP Candle Lighting Ceremony
The hostage-taking in Texas hit home for the staff at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, as a family member of one of the doctors was directly impacted. In response to the act of terror, doctors, nurses and hospital administrators of CHOP united on Friday to dispel darkness with light and kindness. CHOP administration invited Rabbi Sruli Fried, MSW, director of Chai Lifeline NJ/PA, to represent the Jewish community and share words of hope and inspiration, followed by a ceremonial lighting of Shabbos candles by all to usher in peace and harmony as the first Shabbos since the anti-Semitic act approached.

Cultural Diversity In-Services
Several New Jersey hospitals reached out to Chai Lifeline for guidance on how to provide culturally sensitive care to their Orthodox Jewish patients. Rabbi Yehoshua Brodsky, Director of Client Services, trained staff of the Robert Wood Johnson and Children’s Specialized hospitals on how Orthodox Jewish culture and halacha impacts the care they provide. The trainings will have a direct impact on the care families in the hospital receive.