Wondering what to do with your extra Matmid points? Donate them to Chai Lifeline and they will be put to use to bring children to Camp Simcha or help families come to the United States for needed medical treatment.
ChaiSkies is an arrangement between EL AL and Chai Lifeline that allows Matmid members to direct their donations to Chai Lifeline. Matmid is EL AL’s frequent flyer program. (If you’re not yet a member, this is a great reason to sign up. Follow this link for free registration.)
Contributing miles is easy. The ChaiSkies website (www.chaiskies.org) directs users to Matmid’s directed donation page. Make sure you scroll down to the ChaiSkies box: Matmid has made similar arrangements with other charities and the airline regularly scrambles the order to assure all groups are at the top of the list during the year.