Rivka Recht, LPC Case Manger, Chai Lifeline Midwest
Everyone say “Boomwhacker”
Boomwhacker” we all reply, in doubtful voices.
“Say it like you mean it! Boomwhacker!”
Boomwhacker! We call out slightly more heartily.
read full storyRivka Recht, LPC Case Manger, Chai Lifeline Midwest
Everyone say “Boomwhacker”
Boomwhacker” we all reply, in doubtful voices.
“Say it like you mean it! Boomwhacker!”
Boomwhacker! We call out slightly more heartily.
read full storyI joined Chai Lifeline as a case manager, where I spend my time connecting to families, visiting clients in the hospital, counseling, and bringing smiles to dark places. In between all the running around, I’m on my phone, calling families, running our mom’s support group, and juggling meetings with staff. Some of my most meaningful moments happen during times of crisis. G-d gave us each different strengths and staying calm and helping people through the delicate and painful time that a crisis creates, is something that I have been blessed to do well. I am grateful for all the times that I have been able to help families through very challenging times.
read full storyFrom January 29 through February 9, Chai Lifeline will send a group of 12 inspiring teenagers to Israel as part of the annual Hartman Family Foundation Wish at the Wall program. The trip is Chai Lifeline’s celebration of life for those who have completed treatment for cancer. Each participant is invited to share the memorable journey with a parent.
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